My Main Areas Of Expertise

My Main Areas Of Expertise

When you are the owner of a business, no matter if big or small, every minute you can save off your busy days can add up to a sum that will ultimately mean a whole new area of your business or personal life can be properly developed. Here at Virtual Anett, the YourCloudOffice Virtual Assistant was designed exactly for that — allowing you to spend your precious time on what truly makes a difference while outsourcing those time-consuming day-to-day activities to someone that will surely do a great job. I specialise in all areas and activities within Administrative Support , such as calendar management, document formatting, event coordination, and bookkeeping; Email & Chat & Call Support, for full management of Social Media accounts, customer support, and live chat; Sales Support & Procurement, generating product listings, inventory management, creating quotations, and tracking orders; Supply Chain Management, from management and analysis, logistics, planning, and distribution; as well as Personal Assistant for conveniences like reservations and ticket bookings, travel arrangements, organizing events such as birthday parties, personal appointments in spas, salon, doctor, etc. Anything you need, I can provide with agility and great quality so that you can focus on what really matters! 

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